Tuesday 20 September 2011

We're ready

Today the pram was delivered, it was easy to put together and all worked well. So here are a few photos of some of our baby equipment as modelled by Kiwi Bush:

The buggy has an easy fold mechanism, you just pull a handle ...

And hey presto, folded buggy, it's light too so easy to carry around

Car seat picked up today as well. We're not going to get much use out of it but it's essential 

Time for a nappy change on our changing mat, we have a matching  baby bouncer which is not included here. 

Bath time.

Time for bed with his friends. 


  1. Awww, cute. He's got your eyes Simon.

    Gosh all that stuff seems quite foreign to me now... pretty exciting though!

  2. Just looking at these photos makes me want to come over. What will I be like when there is a baby in them???

  3. just talked to nana jak and told her kiwi has arrived and made himself at home.kick him out at the end of october. love Dad

  4. Have finally remembered to put this blog in my reader feeds thanks to your comment on mine!

    Also, obligatory, "oh, you think you're ready.." comment.
