Saturday 16 March 2013


We noticed that Theo had what appeared to be a new tooth growing behind one of his other teeth. It didn't seem to be bothering him but as it continued to grow out Jackie asked one of the ladies at baby clinic. She had no idea and suggested a visit to the GP. The GP said go to the dentist. So eventually Jackie took Theo for his first dentist appointment.

The dentist was very good with Theo and was able to get a look and confirm that Theo had a talon cusp. Not a second tooth but a deformed tooth. This is very rare in baby teeth (although not so rare that we could make any money out of it!). Apparently people can live with this without complication and if it does cause any problems it can be worked on. 

It is likely that having had a talon cusp on a baby tooth will mean Theo will have one on his adult teeth but we'll have to wait and see. 

So Theo isn't perfect. It hasn't really bothered him. 

Theo has been really happy the past few weeks. He's giving out lots of hugs and kisses and waves out to mum/dad when we go to work. He helps put the dishes and groceries away. He loves reading books. He gives out smiles and waves to strangers when we're out. His walking is really coming along very well. His ability to feed himself is getting better and he's eating really well. He's not really talking, but he does understand us we often know what he wants. He can crawl down stairs now. He's at a great age and we're really enjoying it. 

Here's a few photos and videos

Waving goodbye to mum as she goes off to work

Keeping my fluids up at my new table

Helping out around the house

A bit of DIY

After all that work I've earned a babycino


Another babycino

Just whipped up a few waffles for mothers day

Crashed out

Dressed up for mothers day lunch

1 comment:

  1. Hi Theo, You are really growing up so fast. It is great to see you being such a great help to Mum and Dad. Miss you all heaps.
    Love Poppa
