It's 6am on a Sunday morning and I'm writing a blog and this is Jackie not Simon.
Well my pregnancy so far has been pretty uneventful and hassle free. There has been no weird food cravings (apparently some women have cravings for inedible things like coal, chalk, bleach I found this really hard to believe!), no horrendous morning sickness, no massive weight gain, no sore boobs, no mood swings, THAT WAS UNTIL THIS MORNING!
I have been awake since 3am and stayed in bed for an an hour trying to will myself back to sleep. Baby Bush was also awake a very restless. Finally I realised sleep was alluding the both of us so I got up at 4am (as you will know from Simon's previous blog it is broad daylight at 4am) and got busy in the kitchen. A quick scour of the recipe books and a check of the cupboards for the right ingredients and I set about whipping up a batch of biscuits and a tray of muffins. Some substituting was needed as no golden syrup could be found so had to make do with a honey/ brown sugar combination. That should work should't it mum?
Stem ginger and coconut cookies Bran and sultana muffins (to keep us nice and regular) |
Simon came to check on me at about 5.30am in a dazed sleepy stupor. He had heard all the banging and crashing around and came to investigate. I wish I got a photo for the blog as I've never seen him so confused. I'm pretty sure he thinks his wife has gone loopy!
I have never been much of a baker only when the desire to eat something sweet and yummy has taken hold do I get the cake tins prepped. The weird thing is I don't even feel like eating what I've just made, I feel like like fruit and porridge for breakfast. In fact I'm eating an apple right now when there is warm buttery cookies cooling in the kitchen and the smell is wafting throughout the flat. Lucky Simon is marathon training again so he can eat what he likes and just burn it off. Yesterday it was a 20km run and then 18 holes of golf!

We are off to buy a Moses Basket later today for Baby Bush to sleep in (that's another 5 hours away though as the shops don't open until 11am). We plan to avoiding buying a cot until we move to a bigger flat in March next year. This might be a bit optimistic on my part as Baby Bush will be 4 months old but I'd rather not have a big baby especially at the point at which it comes into this world. A small healthy baby is what I'm after when I go off to the hospital. We can only break our current lease in September which would mean moving house when I'm 8 months pregnant which I don't fancy doing even though we will be a bit cramped in our one bedroom flat. On the plus side our Du Cane Court flat is lovely and warm and very dry during the winter with heating and hot water included in our rent.
Now that we know Baby Bush is going to be a boy I have started buying some of the baby gear we will need although still trying to avoid buying everything in blue as Baby Bush might have a sister one day and she might appreciate not be dressed as a boy! Next important thing on the baby gear list is a pram which is going to be vitally important to us as it will be our only means of transport and something that I will use everyday. Worth spending money on although we are happy to buy second hand if its the model that we want. Prams in the UK can go up to a £800 -£1000 which seems ridiculous as you could buy a car for that sort of money. I am constantly looking at prams on the street to work out what style/model will suit us best. At the moment we are thinking of a 3 wheeler with good suspension that isn't too wide as it will need to sit in our small hallway. I would like Simon to take Baby Bush running with him but he is not keen on this idea which I can't understand as it seems like the perfect solution. He still gets to exercise and I get time to catch up on some sleep to me this equals HAPPY MARRIAGE!
Bump as of today |