Tuesday 21 June 2011

Sleeping with the lights on

It's summer solstice on this side of the world today which means long days.

The sun sets at 21:21 but it is light till well after ten and then the sun officially rises at 04:43 but it starts getting light well before that.

This means we are going to bed (bedtime is around 10pm in the Bush house) and waking up in daylight which is a little bit tough.

We've taken to wearing eye masks to bed.

Below is a picture of me ready for bed, it helps if you don't put the eye mask on until you're in bed, otherwise it can be tough finding your way.

1 comment:

  1. We spent a bit extra when we got curtains here and got the BLOCKOUT curtains and they are great! They completely block out the light on those long Summer nights and are also supposed to be better for keeping the heat in on Winter nights. I totally think it's worth the extra money.
    Of course eye masks are effective too - Rua used to wear a pink silky Hi-5 one occasionally. Very fetching.
