Wednesday 2 November 2011

Back to work

Today was my last day of paternity leave. I've had two and a half of the most amazing weeks of my life. Some of it has been very tough and not so enjoyable but on the whole the best 2 1/2 weeks of my life.

Little Theo is curled up in my arms as I type this (because he refuses to go to sleep in his moses basket!).

This is me writing this blog with Theo curled up in my arms. 

Please note we are aware that his nappy looks huge on him, there are two reasons 1) he needs a nappy that doesn't irritate his belly button, the 'harry high pants' ones achieve this best 2) just before this photo was taken he filled his nappy with the good stuff, it was real loud and I could feel his nappy getting filled but he didn't move an inch.

We've had so many midwife/gp/hosptial visits over the past couple of weeks sometimes we yearn for a day when we don't have anything on. However I think Wednesdays will be a bit of a highlight, at least for Jackie, over the coming weeks as that is the day our ante-natal group catches up. Today we met at our house and there was much excitement when one of the mums turned up with her 5 day old baby while there were still two mums-to-be willing their labour to come on.

A couple of the other dads came along as well which, along with the cake and biscuits made it a great day.

Our spread for the NCT morning tea. Homemade ginger cake was the highlight. 
All ready for our guests - the tidiest the house has been for 3 weeks. 

After the group dispersed Jackie took me out for a nice pub lunch as a treat on my last day of paternity leave. The pub was empty apart from a couple of ladies who cooed over Theo and later on a group of new mums so we felt right at home. Theo was very well behaved throughout allowing Jackie and I to enjoy our lunch uninterrupted.

A couple of photos from today and the past few days below (to satisfy grandparents on both side of the family who have given us the hurry up!)

Just chilling out at the pub

Walking home from yesterdays appointment, a lovely autumn day.


  1. Loved the photo of you in your PJs with Ted Jack and you deserve that beer Simon

  2. Looks like he's making heaps of progress now. Growing into his body to keep up with those huge feet

  3. I keep saying "tiny little baby" because he is sooooooo cute and tiny

  4. Only a miniature pub could make these photos cuter ..
