Saturday 26 November 2011

Festive Balham

A quiet Saturday in the Bush house today, I even managed to sneak an afternoon snooze on the couch while Theo fed.

We did however head out for some fresh air and to pop into the supermarket. On our walk we discovered that there were Christmas carols and general festivities going on in the 'Balham Community Space'  - basically an area next to one of the entrances to the supermarket.

When we arrived it was the steel drum Christmas carols, a bit weird, if you haven't had the pleasure of hearing steel drum Christmas Carols before here's a taste of what you've been missing...

As well as the music there was a big furry Christmas animal, well, person in animal suit, not sure what kind of animal he was but he was dressed in festive clothes so that added to the atmosphere.

The three big highlights though of stumbling across this were:

  1. Christmas mince pies being handed out for free by the supermarkets, I'm not usually a mince pie fan but I think now I'm a dad I'm beginning to appreciate them. We had two each.
  2. After the Chestnut Grove Steel Band was the Balham Ukulele Society, how can you not love ukulele's! The lead even managed to play while holding his toddler in his arms!
  3. Finally, was the turning on of the Balham Christmas lights, we even had the Wandsworth mayor to do the honours. The lights aren't going to rival Oxford St, but then we did get pretty much front row seats.
Below some ukulele Christmas music if you can't imagine it.

We think Theo enjoyed these festivities, he was in the front pack the whole time and seemed pretty content. 

Ok, so I know I haven't included any photos of Theo and that's the only reason people check the blog so here's a couple from our latest photo shoot, he's such a grown up now!

1 comment:

  1. Not long to go now. Have posted Theo's present over. There are some other things in the box. Ye I listened to all the music - you know I'm a sucker for Christmas music.
