Tuesday 14 January 2020


New Year Resolutions for 2020

1. Run 4 marathons
2. Run a marathon under 3h 50m
3. Do some study (maybe a few MOOCs, possible Google Digital Marketing Cert). I really should do a masters given work would pay but just not sure what.
4. Get back in to blogging

So, last resolution first and here we are. I figure blogging will be a good distraction from work and I'm keen to ensure that our adventures are recorded because I'll forget them all by the time the kids are actually interested.  Need to catch-up on the past 6 years to start with. I noticed I still have some blogs in drafts from years ago.

Oh yeah, and looking at the stats for our blog, we were still getting plenty of traffic to our blog last year, even though we hadn't posted for 6 years. I'm sure you're dying to know, most popular blog was about Lisbon. and second was one of my blogs about shoes, I can see a follow up to that coming up soon.

So hopefully more to come this year.


  1. Welcome back! Can't wait to keep up with your adventures :)

  2. ooohhh! Well done - we'll be looking out for these blogs. They are great to look back over.
